Sunday, 18 September 2011

Chillies like it hot

Or chillis, chilies or chilis - depending on where you're from and how you're inclined to spell them. Whichever your preference, they like it hot and you probably do too if you're growing them.

I planted these seedlings in a mini-greenhouse (a small plastic hotbox with seed trays inside) back in late July. Pictured here with the lid off, you can see the seedlings are starting to come up. I wasn't sure if they were ever going to germinate and thought I might have to give up on them because I planted them when the nights were still cool. It seems chillies don't like to chill. Now that it's getting warmer, they're starting to take off.

Here are some seedlings that grew from seed last Autumn. They remained very small through Winter and didn't do much. With the warmer weather, they're getting larger.
These Jalapenos have been looking quite sad through Winter and have more or less been dormant. Now there's new growth and flowers.
And when there's flowers, the chillies aren't too far away.

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