Sunday 25 September 2011

The Blue Cane Palm project (Dypsis Cabadae)

The backyard is mostly composed of plants that produce food, but in the front yard there's palms for their tropical aesthetic. Rather than plant an all too common Golden Cane Palm (Dypsis Lutescens), I've decided to go for something different. Related to the Golden Cane Palm, but not as often seen, is the Blue Cane Palm (Dypsis Cabadae). As you'd expect, it's canes are a blue colour. It clumps like the Golden Cane Palm, but grows taller and slower. It's also less dense. This one was planted today from a 250ml container.


Joe's also giving it a go in his backyard. On the left are a couple of smaller plants from a 140ml container. It's great living in sub-tropical Brisbane because you can grow so many varieties of tropical palms. If we get a storm this afternoon, it'll water them in nicely.

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