Saturday, 27 August 2011

Building a Raised Garden Bed (or The Story of the Salad Garden) Part 2

Back in June we assembled the garden bed and planted the seedlings for a leafy green salad garden. Ever since then it's been very productive. Taking a few steps out of the kitchen, snipping a few leaves here and there and returning with fresh produce beats the supermarket any day. Suprisingly, nothing has attacked the garden and it hasn't required any maintenance as long as the irrigation system provides a little water regularly.

Here it is just a few weeks after planting and already we were able to start picking leaves.
One month later and even though there's been regular harvesting, there's still plenty growing.
It's a rainy day in Brisbane, but just a few steps from the kitchen and just a few months since planting, the salad garden just keeps giving. Even with regular snipping, there's more than enough leafy greens for any meal that requires it. Fresh local produce? It doesn't get much fresher than this. A successful project that requires practically no maintenance, I give it two thumbs up.

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